

I R R A T A B I L I T Y.

What's the root? There are 2 factors of irritability as I understand. Internal and external.

Internal, the inner self is missing something and every suggestion or conversation seems to trigger anger, frustration, annoyance. Everyone around seems to be missing the point, including yourself.

External, the lack of humor and joy has you vibing below the surrounding environment. Sun too bright, voices too loud, people too stupid.

Both depend on you, caught in the trap of the faults of surrounding environment, reality it's YOU. Chill, find the missing pieces, get the funny back and relax. The "noise" is in the head and we are so capable to control it. It's not really how to, it's the big WANT to feel at peace.

“I Found That Ultimately if You Truly Pour Your Heart Into What You Believe in — Even if It Makes You Vulnerable — Amazing Things Can and Will Happen.” - Emma Watson

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